When someone isn't showing up in the directory, but you expect he/she should be listed, each of the following conditions would stop a person showing in the directory.
- The person's status is set to inactive in Planning Center.
- You are grouping your directory by household and the person belongs to a household whose primary contact is inactive in Planning Center.
- The person's membership type is not selected for display.
- The person's campus type is not selected for display.
- The person is a Child (in Adjace, this means the Planning Center record is set to "Child" or the person's age is less than 18) and "Hide Children" is selected.
- The person's opt-out flag is set to "Yes" (or blank if you are using the opt-out default setting).
NOTE: Sometimes new people are created in Planning Center with an "Unassigned" membership type or campus. You may need to assign a campus or membership type to the person, or you may need to select the "Unassigned" campus for display.
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