The directory in Adjace is a customizable view. We have preset layouts that you can choose to make your directory the most useful for your folks. Under the "Settings" tab in settings, you can find the "Layout/Content" tab.
Press the "Edit Layout/Contents" button to open the directory configuration tool.
Under "Layout Style" you can decide how your directory should look. These styles include the size of the pictures and what information is shown on the directory page. Under "Layout Style" is the "Contents" section that controls what information can be accessed by the folks. The various settings are:
- Group Search Results by Household
- Apply Household Name Fixer Elixir
- Display Household Primary Portrait as Family Portrait
- Display Individual Portraits
- Display Portraits
- Display Birthdays
- Display Anniversaries
- Display E-Mail Addresses
- Display Mailing Addresses
- Display Phone Numbers
- Display WhatsApp
- Display Children's Contact Information
- Display Secondary Contact Information
- Show Given Name
- Show Nickname
- Show Last Name First
- Show Membership Type
A few things to be noted:
- The clear button will revert any changes you have made since the last time you saved.
- The save button immediately makes the configuration live.
- All changes can be viewed while in the editor before they are saved.
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