Adjace allows you to exclude individuals from your on-line directory and, perhaps more importantly, let them set their own opt-out preferences. Here’s how it works:
Before beginning, you need to create a custom field in People to store the opt-out flag.
- Note that this field must be of the Yes/No variety.
- In order to be accessible by Adjace, Custom Fields need to be visible to "All Managers"
- You may already have this field created and populated from your former directory (if it isn’t yes/no, you will need to export it and then import it into a yes/no field using the people importer).
- Did we mention that it has to be a Yes/No field? This is important.
Now that you have a place to store your folks’ preferences, open your Adjace settings page, and note that there is a new field under “Configure Your Directory” that will allow you to select a field for “Opt-Out Configuration.”
- Here you will see a list of all of your Yes/No fields from Planning Center People.
- If you just created a field, it won’t be in the list. You need to “Synchronize Now” so Adjace can know about it.
After your synchronization is complete and Adjace knows about your field, you will see it in the list. Select your Opt-Out field.
If you would like to require users to explicitly choose to be included in the directory, choose the "Hide Profiles By Default" option. This means your yes/no field still presents a choice to opt-out, but the initial value (to wit, when the value is blank in Planning Center) will indicate "Yes, hide my profile" instead of "No, don't hide my profile."
After you’ve selected your field, run another synchronization (you might have to wait a minute from the end of your last synchronization), and voila! If you have your opt-out field in Planning Center People populated, your opt-out values are now in Adjace and opted-out profiles are hidden from your Directory!
If you have Profile Edits enabled in Adjace, your people now can go to their Profile pages and change their own opt-out preferences. Opt-In/Out requests are always automatically approved regardless of an organization’s auto-approval settings. Be aware that opt-out preferences must be synchronized up to Planning Center People before they take effect in Adjace.
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