If you are a subscriber, Adjace allows your folks to log in and access the directory. Your folks can also update their profiles that will be synchronized to Planning Center People. Adjace helps to match folks to their churches by using the email linked to their Planning Center People profile. Your folks must use the email that is under their Planning Center People profile to register for an account on Adjace. Each church has their own customizable Adjace website link. This link is found in "Settings" under "Branding."
In this example, Calvary Bible Church chose https://calvarybible.adjace.com/ as their landing page. This church would give out that website link to their folks to create their accounts.
Both "Create your account" and "New User" will take your folks to the registration page where they can use their email mentioned above to create their account. After registration, they will receive a verification email before they can access your Adjace directory.
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