So, your directory is ready and you want your folks to start creating accounts, but what is the best way to invite them?
First, you want to make sure you are only inviting those who have access to Adjace. In settings, you choose which people are included in Adjace under "People." For example, let's say you chose your members and regular attendees.
Now that we know our list of people who can access Adjace (members and regular attendees), we can invite them. To create an account on Adjace, their email must be in Planning Center People to sync their profile. We suggest you use MailChimp or whatever emailing service you have linked to Planning Center so they get the message on their correct email address.
Lastly, what should you email them? Well, we have given you a landing page that is specific to your church. You can find the URL in "Branding" in settings. When you send them that link, they will know they're in the right place. Also, you should remind them to use the email address that they received their invitation on (as this is the email that your PCO has on file).
After they create their account, they will get a verification email that also invites them to download the Adjace app so they can access the directory and update their information on the go.
Here is an example email:
Our church is using new software called Adjace as an online directory and profile editing solution. Below are the instructions to create your account and start making new connections.
1. Go to (insert your landing page URL)
2. Click "New User" to sign up for your account.
3. Make sure to use this email address so you get connected to your profile correctly.
4. After creating your account, check your email to verify your account and then download the Adjace app to have access anywhere.
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